A case report of Pre-XDR Tuberculosis in a patient with recurrent pneumonia – One of the first cases in NYC
Faria Nitol MD, Amna Al-Tikrit, MD, Farshad Bagheri MD, Jebun Nahar MD
Complicated case of Legionella pneumonia with initial false negative urine antigen test
Hind El Soufi MD, Andrew Mekaiel MD, Yahya El Soufi MD, Farshad Bagheri MD
Patent foramen ovale: A mystery not yet resolved.
Rahul Dadhawl MD, Jaydeep Kachhela MD, Kinjal Solanki MD, Moaviz Bin Badshah MD, Naveen Pathak MD.
A Rare Case Of Chronic Invasive Fungal Rhino-Sinusitis- A Tumor Mimic
M. Badshah, K. Solanki, H. Patel, J. Kachhela, R. Dadhwal, K. Yadav, Farshad Bagheri.
Moral Distress in Health Care Professionals
2020 State of the Science in Hospice and Palliative Care
Compliance with Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Patients with Intracranial Bleeding admitted to the Medical ICU
Mohammed Reza Malekzadegan MD, Tofura Ullah MD, Kelly Cervellione, Craig Thurm MD2, C. Thurm MD
A case report: Septic Arthritis due to Pasteurella multocida
Andrew Mekaiel MD, Benjamin Nyavor MS-I, Amna Al-Tkrit MD, Tofura Ullah MD, Farshad Bagheri MD
Rivaroxaban induced Thrombocytopenia
Nyein Chan Swe MD, Nay Min Tun MD, Richard W Pinsker MD, FACE, FACPM, Jose Cervantes MD
Broken-Heart Syndrome; A fatal complication
Amna Al Tkrit MD, Omar Al Janabi MD, Andrew Mekaiel MD, Aditya Mangla DO