Poster Presentation

Persistent hypotension following dantrolene use and a potential reversal agent

Ferdosian, B., D. Das, I. Sayeedi, M. Lopez

American College of Physicians New York Resident and Medical Student Forum, Staten Island, NY.

Clostridium Difficile Colitis, when in doubt time for a colonoscopy

Hameedi, N., N. Taghipour

American College of Physicians New York Resident and Medical Student Forum, Staten Island, NY.

Kounis Syndrome: From allergy to myocardial infarction

Jose, M, M. Abdulaziz, G. Haralambou

American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting

San Diego, CA

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, Confusing Misnomer

Ferdosian, B., I. Delgado, S. Nasery, M. Lopez

American College of Physicians Internal Medicine Meeting

San Diego, CA

Is an Endotracheal Aspirate Superior to Expectorated Sputum in Evaluating Pulmonary Tuberculosis?

22nd Annual Conference of the Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease – North America Region