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No Differences Between White and Non-White Patients in Terms of Care Quality Metrics, Complications, and Death After Hip Fracture Surgery When Standardized Care Pathways are Used

No Differences Between White and Non-White Patients in Terms of Care Quality Metrics, Complications, and Death After Hip Fracture Surgery When Standardized Care Pathways are Used

Functional Application of Tricks for Super Obese Patient Positioning: A Technical Guide for Hip Fractures on a Fracture Table With a Case Example

Functional Application of Tricks for Super Obese Patient Positioning: A Technical Guide for Hip Fractures on a Fracture Table With a Case Example

Successful Stabilization of Thyroid Storm Precipitated by Medication Noncompliance and Complicated Urinary Tract Infection: A Case Report

Successful Stabilization of Thyroid Storm Precipitated by Medication Noncompliance and Complicated Urinary Tract Infection: A Case Report